Sunday, January 6, 2013

Backgrounds and Some Fine Girls.

               So I know I’ve missed a few days, but you know what? Some of these questions are just dumb. Like one line answers. How boring, so I’m going to change it up a bit, I will still answer all the questions, just probably answer 2-4 boring ones at a time and then give good ones a full post. Sound good? Too bad it’s happening.
               Today we’ll do 2, Screen Capping my desktop and 5 celebrity crushes, should be short on text, but pictures will make it look really long at first. (That’s what she said…)
               I normally have my desktop rotating between ninety or so pictures so I’ll pick two I like a lot and then put the link for where I got them all right here.

               So this first one is obviously from the Legend of Zelda. It’s a really cool detailed picture of the fabled Master Sword from the series. I mostly like this one because I’m a major time Zelda fan boy, (Like I’m going to be forced to buy a Wii U when either a new Zelda game comes out or Pikmin 3) In all seriousness though, this picture is awesome and anyone who is a fan of the series should love it.

               This second picture here is just neat isn’t it? You’ve got this planet in the bottom left corner and you can see that it’s like got all this industry and lights and things which is cool, but you also  have this whole spiralling galaxy over in the opposite corner. Kind of makes you realize what a small part of our universe we really are doesn’t it? Earth is really just this tiny speck in the universe, and yet it’s everything for us. Oh the universe and it’s strange and complicating ways.

               Celebrity crushes! Omg this is gonna be so fun amirite? Like for realz bro.  Edit: This was actually a lot of fun, I got to look at a lot of good looking girls and not feel like an absolute creep about it. Whoo!

               We’ll start with a given, Emma Watson. I seriously don’t think I need to explain this one, because I’d bet that if ask 1000 guys my age like 900 would have her on this same kinda list. I think she’s gonna stay up on these sorta list for a long time, cause she has the remarkable ability to pull off any look.

               Anna Kendrick - I don’t know man, she’s just cute. Totally gives off that girl next door vibe. Also she had red hair in the last movie I saw her in, so she gets to stand as a shining example of my rule of gingers. It either works, or it doesn’t. There are no, “Ok” gingers. They are either really good looking, or not. Flat out. I said it. Moving on.

               Rachel Mcadams ­– Another cutie. What makes her look work for her in my opinion as a humble observer is the eyes and the smile. Outstanding.

               Evanna Lynch – The only blonde to make this list. Spoiler alert! She follows a very similar path of Emma Watson in the sense that she was noticed in Harry Potter and frankly at first, I didn’t think much of it, but my oh my did the later movies treat her good. She’s arguably the best looking girl from the Harry Potter franchise. Before anyone even tries to say that Ginny is in there as well just stop. You will never win this one. She’s just not on the same level as the other two. So just stop. Anyways, yeah, she’s really cute. There isn’t a whole lot to say throughout this is there?

   Lastly, but certainly not least. Olivia Wilde- Goodness me those eyes. Just lovely. I’m gonna go ahead and say she’s the winner on this list and everyone else just gets to fight for second. I am a major fan of her.

               To give some sort of summary, we have 4 darker haired women and one blonde. I think this is a very accurate way to display my natural affinity for darker hair. It’s not like blonde is bad, its just that dark hair is better most of the time. Also I want to state that in my line of thinking all girls fall under three categories, cute, pretty and hot. None of these girls are hot. Two prettys and three cutes. I’ll let you decide which ones you think they are.
               Finally to save some skin, I honestly think that there are many girls that I know personally that are at least on an even playing field as these girls, if not they have the advantage. Ok that last part is a mild exaggeration. Definitely even playing field, but probably no big advantages. Crap, I just lost all that skin I saved. Oh well. 

Images are a coutesy of: Destiny ( /r/EmmaWatson (It's a thing) Imdb and Google Images. 

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